i have a set of TE37's in Time attack color. they are 16x7 with a 42 offset. i don't know if anyone wants these.. im selling them for 1700 plus shipping.. let me know if you want them .. i need to get rid of A.S.A.P.. i will not go down on price.. these wheels are rare and worth everything penny!! email me at SiRalex16v@yahoo.com i need the money or i would keep them!
those wheels are sexy...too bad uncle sam doesn't pay me enough, lol i hope you sell 'em bro, great set of wheels to own.
The Sickness~ Um Yea Thats Freekin Insane~ hsnap: That Should Fit a S13... Post What other Rims you got for Sale for a S13~ oke:
ha.. you know i got love for you .. just let me know what you want!!! :slap: These ones are my personal wheels i bought.
Well these are just TE37's .. the color From Volk racing is a limited addition color. The color is called Time Attack. Thats just what Ray's calls it....
not to sound like an A-hole, but he did show the wheels mounted on his EG in a couple pics, which gives away the bolt pattern. once again, not trying to be an a-hole. unless his EG has a 4x114.3 bolt pattern, then i'm a dummy...and i should get one of these for assuming things:slap:
I Wasnt Mounted~ It was on Blocks Not Mounted~ Rims Are NEW!!! Freash Out the Box~ :baby: Alex Only Showed What It Looks Like on a Civic~ :rocks: *
i guess i get a few of these for assuming things then:slap: :slap: man do i feel like an idiotoke: i didn't take the time to study the picture more...any smart person could've noticed the lack of lugnuts in the picture. as well as the wheel not being totally centered on the tire behind it. my bad everyone.