7 days till my vacation!

Discussion in 'Off Topic - Anything' started by Deibidosan, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    yep 7 more days in japan before my 1 month holiday vacation to beautiful southeast missouri! im starting to get a little giddy! :gfight: starting to collect all the gifts for all my friends and family! whew!! its been 19 months since i've seen my family and friends! thats too long imo. so now i have to take the incredibly long annoying flight with a 2 yr old...but he listens pretty good. and we have alot of fun stuff for him to do on the plane. hopefully he sleeps alot.

    and on another note, i went onto the navy base today and talked to the new car salesman. his boss from tokyo was there and i filled out an app. to be their new helper guy/car salesman. they seemed to like me and i guess i said what they wanted to hear. so on the way out i was walking along with the salesman and he tells me that he's probably gonna quit and move back to the states in Jan!!!! so most likely (and hopefully) i'll get the job, and be the main new car salesman for the sasebo navy base!!! the guy told me its SUPER easy cause you are the only guy selling cars to the americans there! so everyone who wants to buy a car, truck, or harley comes to you!! no competition. they have a 9 car a month quota. and i'd be getting $440 per car, and $340 per bike. pretty sweet! i almost can't wait for the holidays to be over now!!! anyway, he said that if he told his boss to hire me that it'd happen. so i'm pretty sure that when i come back from my trip im gonna start a new job!!! wish me luck jdmchat!!!!!!!!
  2. JussHatched

    JussHatched Active Member

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    May 12, 2006
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    sweet man, good luck with the job. My friend sells cars and is really good t it and he banks!
  3. Chaos Performance

    Chaos Performance New Member

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    Sep 28, 2007
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    good luck it is always good to hear people getting a job they like and that they will be successful at
  4. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    we made it!!!! and my son is the shit btw! he slept almost the whole time!! i dunno why, but i didnt sleep very much at all! walked out of the airport in St Louis to 74 degrees!!!!! thats really weird for this area in nov!! and tomorrow its suppose to be 36!! haha! gotta love the midwest surprise weather! i managed to get a couple more pics before i left japan. ill post up later! :)
  5. EastEndMotorSports

    EastEndMotorSports New Member

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    Aug 27, 2006
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    welcome back to the states! and goodluck with the job!
  6. CarbonEG6

    CarbonEG6 New Member

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    May 3, 2006
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    Are you still in the Military? or is it going to be a side job?
  7. Chaos Performance

    Chaos Performance New Member

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    Sep 28, 2007
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    hey how was ur trip and do u miss the states at all??
  8. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    im not in the military. i'll be a department of defense contractor. the job is on the navy base in sasebo. :D

    well it was good and bad. the japan side was really good, but that didnt last when we got to dallas.
    we left sasebo at 5pm to go to fukuoka on a bus. my son slept most of the way. it was about a 3 hour ride. but japanese highway buses have reclining seats and stuff like an airplane so it was cool. we got to my wifes cousins really nice apt. at like 8 pm. we stayed there for the night cause our flight out left at 7 am. so we had to be at the airport at 5 am. that flight was cool. about 2 hours to tokyos narita airport. at narita things continued to go smooth. we had a 4 hour layover so we met some friends and ate lunch, and bought souviners for my family and friends. we left narita at 1 pm japan time. bound for dallas.

    10 and a half hour flight. it went by pretty quick. and there was no turbulence so it was very easy to relax. i didnt sleep, but my son slept almost the whole time....on my lap! lol! so then we get to dallas and we are going through customs. they ask us where we are going and what we are doing and stuff. i tell them that we are coming home for the holidays and our friends wedding. thats all good and then they start looking at our passports. everythings ok until they see that my wifes visa to live in the US is expired. so they ask why we let it expire. so i tell them that we live in japan and have no plans on moving back ever. he dosent buy it. when something like this happens they are suppose to think that we will enter the US and i will work and she will be an illegal alien. so we have to go to the "side room' to be "asked questions" aka interogated like terrorists. keep in mind that the "side room" is filled with people from all over east asia and all kinds of other places, and are all speaking really loud...at the same time! talk about instant head ache after a 10 hour flight!!!! so we answer all the questions and tell the guy that we own a real estate company and that running away to the US would be really foolish. seeing how the US sucks compared to life in japan. he finally buys it and has to ask 20 questions on this paper. he is typing it all up to give us a copy. he hits print and goes to this other room to get the copy. he comes back empty handed with a stupid look on his face. saying something under his breath about "where did it go". he deleted it somehow on accident. we now have been in this room for 3 hours. our flight to st louis was about to leave at 11:30 am. it was now 11. so he finally gets some guy to do it over again for him, and gets us the copy.

    we are then running through the airport trying to catch our flight. we were in such a hurry that we placed our carry on bag filled with my sone $700 portable dvd player, all his dvds, and his asthma meds in it, on top of the other baggage. the girl at the baggage check-in takes all of them and tells us to hurry and we might make the flight. and i was assuming that she would take care of our baggage for us and make sure that it all got to the right place. wrong. she looses the most important bag. the carry-on that was suppose to be checked-in.

    we get to the gate and the flight is gone. im dripping with sweat from running carrying probably 100 lbs of kid and carry-ons. they tell us that we will be on the next flight at 1:45. enough time to try to see if our baggage got onto the first flight or the next one. and we then find out that they lost the important bag. so we proceed to freak the fuck out. stressed to almost my breaking point. really on edge. my wife is about to cry, and my son was sleepy and confused and whining. i had to get a phone card and call my friend,that was already in st louis, to pick us up later. he says no problem and we sit for a while trying to make my son happy, and drinking alot of bottled water.

    The flight from dallas to st louis was super smooth considering the small plane. we arrived there at 3:45 pm. we get to the baggage convare thingy and our 2 huge bags are there but the important one isnt. AND they broke 1 of the 2 wheels on my largest suit case off. so i had to carry it. so i go and file a claim with the American Airlines luggage claim assholes. seriously if you have a job that requires you to be nice to pissed off people then you should be able to handle it without loosing your cool. the chick was a bitch. and i was cool to her. so fuck that fat bitch at the AA claim office at st louis!!!!

    anyway we meet up with my friend, get in the car and start the 2 hour drive to cape girardeau. we finally got there at like 7 pm i think. we stopped and ate at wendys. fucking discustingly dirty place!!!! thats one hard thing to get used to being back. how filthy everything is. and how the japanese food here sucks! lol!

    2 days later our important bag arrived at my moms house via fed-ex.

    i keep telling my friends that im glad to see them but im not really glad to be here. :D

    The End​
  9. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    still in MO. its suppose to snow tomorrow night!! YESSSS!!!! i get to get a little night time snow drifting in!!! hopefully! i need to take some good pics of the Jetta that my friend let me drive while im here. its a 95 w/ a VR6. black on black with leather!! heated seats and all!! lol! its slammed on 18" gunmetal CP035 copies w/ a polished lip. it also has Golf projectors and a vented fiberglass hood. pretty nice for a loaner!! well just kinda wanted to stop in and give a whuzzup to you guys! :D
  10. Chaos Performance

    Chaos Performance New Member

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    Sep 28, 2007
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    thanks man sounds like the flight and shit sucked but hopefully seeing ur family is good and have fun with the snow cuz i dont think there will be any of that in japan
  11. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    yea in the past 2 years ive only seen about 1/4" in Sasebo!! and they thought that was alot!! too funny!!! :D
  12. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    only a few days left in america. just being back for a month has reassured me that i'll never move back here. its not such a bad place when you're here but when you go to another country (especially japan) it makes the US look sooo bad. i really dont know why, it is the most powerful country in the world. maybe the gov needs to pay a little more attn to whats actually happening inside its borders. help its own people before they try to "help" other countries. :rant:

    CLUTCHONE Active Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
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    Thats It...

    Thats It, thats All I Need to here,

    Im going to Go Back to Japan to Stay!!! :rocks:
  14. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    move to sasebo so ill have someone to hang out with! loL!
  15. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    well its been fun! today is my last day in america that i can drive around and see my fam and friends. tonight i leave for st louis. flight leaves for chicago at 8:30 am tomorrow morning. then a short layover then the endurance flight to tokyo! lol! probably around 13 hours! then the last 2 hour flight to fukuoka. then the 2.5 hour drive. such a bitter sweet thing. i want to stay and hang out and see everybody, but i need to get back to japan. this place is crazy. ill let you guys know when i get back over there!! later! :D
  16. Daniel

    Daniel Active Member

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    Apr 26, 2006
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    Hope you enjoyed your stay here. That flight back is soo grueling.
  17. EastEndMotorSports

    EastEndMotorSports New Member

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    Aug 27, 2006
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    i can imagine it being tougher with a kid. i hope you have a safe trip :)
  18. Deibidosan

    Deibidosan Active Member

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    Jul 21, 2006
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    thanks guys! we made it back last night. our time. walked through the door at 11pm. im jet-lagged pretty bad. i get sleepy at like 3pm. thats like midnight in MO. when i feel a little more sane ill tell you guys about the the trials we had coming back. lets just say i hate american airports. oh and i REALLY love japan!!!!! not to mention my father-in-law just got a bran-new Honda Stepwgn!! its sweet! ill get some pics when my phone gets here. i forgot it at my moms house. :D
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