well, i said i wasn't gonna wash my car today...but then i got bored, and ended up washing/waxing the car...and also cleaning my rims/tires and while i was at it, i figured i'd throw on the few stickers i got from Brandon...as well as a couple other stickers from an acquaintence of mine. Then, i figured i'd take out the 'ol camera and tripod, and brush up some more on my photog skills. hope you guys like the pics. i didn't feel like doing photshop today, i'm too tired, lol. enjoy! Meet my 97 Civic Sedan, RhondaII (the first Rhonda was the EG8 i owned in Okinawa)...
my stickers buckle up Japan! mini wakaba! lol more car pics (i still need to get the stickers on the bumper removed)
the sun came out for a bit, so it was time for a smoke break there's a hidden image in this pic if you can find it, lol.
i got a little Holiday pudge goin on right now, hehehe. at first i didn't like this pic...but then after looking at a few times, it's kinda neat...the camera focused onto the dumpster, but you see my car in the background out of focus...i dunno, it's cool i guess and last but not least, FUK USDM...lol hope my pics weren't too bad...i can't wait to get my 16x7 Bronze MB Weapon Wheels and drop the car a tad lower next summer. i think my car will be lookin good...especially once i finally install my power fold mirrors. thanks for checking my car out, and let me know what you think.:woot: -Mark.
lol, she will just get dirty on the drive to worky buddy ol' pal...mine was duty when me and ferio checked it today. I like the smooth, clean car mang!
i couldn't stand the dirty car, even though i didn't feel like getting the car washed, lol! i didn't even wanna wax it...but i figured, eh what they hay. the dirt was pretty thick anyway...gotta preserve my car's sheen. hehe.
Like i told you Bish...one trip to work or a rainstorm...say tomorrow? I am in the same boat mang... Since she is waxed though, Maybe it will be more reppelent.
let's hope so. dust isn't a problem, i have a car duster. rain pisses me off...so does snow. i think my pics came out better this time...glad i wiped down my lens, lol
werd...idon't even know if i'm awake right now..:coffee: oh, everyone else, please feel free to comment on my pics/car. thank you
Nice Pics... I Bite My Car Sometimes Too... Cause Its So Clean You can Eat Off It~ :roflmao: Just Get some OLDSkool Used JDM Rims an an Your Set... :woot:
^^^lol:roflmao: my car is pretty clean, but i wasn't actually biting my mirror...but it does look that way though, hahaha. i don't really remember what i was actually doing. thanks for the comments guys, i appreciate it.
wow! you beat the dirt!!, this round anyway! lol! your car cleans up really good! did you ever wash your engina? looks like you did, but i dunno. clean as hell! i never have any time off to wash my car. looks good! cant wait to see it sittin low on some bronze wheelies!!! looks good now too though!