So..... i found this guy Jacked SOOOOOO many of my ideas its not even funny.. any idea on what i should do? or can do?
intellectual property... if you can prove that you had them as an idea and as decals before him you could fight it.. but i would suggest from here on out getting all your work copy written, their is a place to get copy write on intellectual propert, however im not quite sure what the name is. I run into the intellectual property problem all the time doing film.
deadpirate is right. I believe there is a website you can checkout for copywrites and its a government site, I just can't remember the site.
Here my participation, I sent this to their e-mail not that it will help. I just thought I would let you know its so fuckin lame of you to not only jack your sticker ideas from other sites but to make identical decals. No one likes a fake and thats what your site is, like a shitty pair of Oakley's. I dont know if you actually sell anything over there or if the site is just for looks but youre just making yourself look like an ass to everyone in the JDM community, but then again maybe thats what you were going for. If you want to get your site known for being a fraud then great, youre on your way, but if not then COME UP WITH YOUR OWN IDEAS! Thanks
Well shit lets start a petition and bombard his ass with hate mail! That pisses me off so bad. Hes not just stealing your ideas they're all of our ideas! I dont know if hes even selling anything yet because the prices on half of them say $0.00 but either way...
I have to admit, i know i sell decals that other sites may have came up with. But i also can truthfully say i have NEVER went to another decal company and stolen any ideas. The only ideas i get are ones that i see on other cars. If he had only a couple i wouldn't be pissed. Fair game as far as i see it. But he has many of my TOP sellers. he wont respond to any of my emails. Any chance someone can get his address?
i clicked on a few of his "how to videos" and saw what he looks like. (white guy, tats all up the arms.) nothing to be intimidated over