whats everyone playing at the moment? new or old games playing Street Fighter: Alpha Anthology (alpha 2 gold) anyone play that new Super DBZ?
i just finished up Legend of Zelda: OoT Master Quest. that was pretty good i tried picking up FFX-2 again today. i havent played it since it was released. i got frustrated on how horrible the game was and shut the system off :spitdrink: im trying to decide what game i want to play though:ermm:
Have your tried Star Ocean or Radiata Stories? I have them new still and haven't played them yet. I want to but not much time with 2 forums now.:computerrage: and the work.
FF 9 almost done again then going to play FF 8 lol Street Fighter 3rd Strike Capcom vs SNK2 Counter Strike (at late nights) and im dl F.E.A.R taking sooo long 4.2 gb i might just buy the damn game but then again dl is free and i dont got 40 bucks lol
no i havent... but i really dont want to buy a game haha i may continue my ff8 game again. i started a new game about a month or two ago and ended at the start of the 2nd disc. hsnap: