I came across pictures for these 2 Japanese Del Sol Videos, they look as if they originated in the early 90's does anyone know or have contacts where I could get a copy of them?
Does'nt seem like we are going to have much luck, I have sent a PM to Daniel to see if with his Japanese contacts he may be able to get them but had no reply. Anyone have any other ideas where to look?
He's actually demonstrating how to drive a FF car a certain way in that video. I've seen them both, definately very informative if you got a translator with you
Not sure if my friend up in phx still has them on his computer, but I'll ask this weekend. He recently had an unexpected reformat so not sure what all got kept =/
http://bestmotoring.jp/ Lets email them and then make a group buy of past volumes Edit: Already emailed let's hope the have a way to order them
Hi Dude, good to see you back in circulation, I have had no luck finding these, 1 of the guys thought he may have them on a computer somewhere but never came back, don't know where else to look, emailing them is a good idea.
Hey David, I'll let you know if they write back Still haven't gotten the Wed DVD, still sending you once I get it, hope everything is going great bro..
Waiting for their reply, maybe they are looking for a translator cause I translated the page to find their email and write should have sent a translated message in Japanese lol
that sucks but o well there beating it out of them..... im sure someone would be willing to do that:slap:
Guys, let's do this.. maybe they think it's just an individual interested.. This is the email I sent them, I attached the pics of the vid cover, email them too to see if they can do something when they see is a group interested.. to info@bestmotoring.jp Feb 13 Hello we saw these posted on a del Sol forum and we are wondering if their is any way we can order past volumes I am including the cover for these videos, any info will be appreciated I just sent an email again but translated to japanese oke: Cross your fingers こんにちは私達は彼等の私達が私がこれらのビデオのためのカバーを含んでいる容積を過ぎて発注できるどの方法でもであるかどうかdel SOL のフォーラムで掲示されるこれらおよび私達が疑問に思っていることを見た、どのインフォメーションでも認められる、興味を起こさせられる多数及びそれらを購入することを決定するすべてがある。