i was on my way back from lunch break when i spot an aluminum wing ne-andering through traffic. i speed up to catch him at the light, it was on. he reved up at me and i reved back. his car was seafoam green, black bodykit, black aluminum wing that was almost higher than the car, no axelback exhaust, busted windshield, and auto trans. light turned green, i took off blazin tires as usual <yes im workin on that part, and he just barely managed a chirp. he stayed with my passenger door till i managed to regain traction then i shot by him like he was sittin still. after i hit third i looked back and i was way ahead of him, i flipped on the hazzards showin i owned him and we got caught in traffic and i was like "what happend man?" he replied "all my car will do is spin" i was like "ya im sure that chirp killed your et." he just shook his head in disapointmend and spead into walmart parkin lot <area hangout for ricers. the guy that was in the slightly modded ford lightning behind us, pulled beside me and gave me the :thumbup: for beatin the kid. made my day! funny thing was that the next night (fridaynight huge ricer cruise lol) i went to walmart to grab a loaf of bread and as i was leaving "the mad fast legend" spots me across the parkinglot, points me out to his friends and they sprint to there jalopies to chase after me. they got caught by they light and i just went on home. looks like i 1+ my street rep. :roflmao: i love a good rice kill. ill try to get some pics of these street warriors lol, i remember the cars were a 90-93 model accord that runs 13.36 on the 1/8th and a 91-94 nissian sentra with the back glass busted out of it that tried to chase me, bwaha! thats my story:woot:
that's funny i hope they don't follow you home and try to mess with your car while you sleep. good ownage tho, i love it:thumbup:
/\ thanks man. i dont think they will. everyone around here is pretty good people there just a little confused at times *caughs "Ricers"*. ill def keep a watch though, thanks for the headsup i hadnt thought about it till now.
somebody caused $3000 worth of damage to my baby while I slept! 97-Ferio remembers that one! They keyed all over the place!!
/\ geez man that suks! i cant stand it when people stoop to that level. my cars outside looks terriable anyway (repainting sometime this month hopefully). it usually stays locked up in my carport anyways.