well the time has come for my S13 to get on the dyno. the last run she cranked out 482whp@19psi. im shootin for 500whp this time. im takin her to the dyno tomorrow so wish me luck. ill post results when i get home.
she broke on me. i hit 501whp@21psi on a new tune. then on the 4th pull with 21psi she started knockin. number 4 rod bearing shot lol. it was bound to happen sooner or later i mean ive had my bottom end done for about 2yrs and its never seen over 19psi. hell it hasnt over 6000rpm in almost a year lol. i figured this would happen eventually so i bought a rebuild kit(new bearings and gaskets)awhile back. the rods and pistons are fine but im gonna stick some new rings on them anyway. on the upside my hatch is on the road.
im going with a new set up on her. im switching to a turbonetics turbo. Im also using a Tial blow off valve and wastegate. and while the motor is out im gonna polish my intake manifold and clean everything up. the bottom end is in the process of being put back together with fresh bearings and gaskets. ill post pics when the new turbo is mounted on(while its on the engine stand).