Wasn't aware of tha garage.... So let me show all whats in mine Heres a few of my girls car with mine And for good measure please let me know what you think of this... Thuogh its alittle dirty, but oh well wanted to post my motor and not much time to polish erthing...:banghead:
They've been there before... But... White CPs + White Da = GTA Here in AZ anyway... Plus she works at a department store and the car sits in tha lot all day long... And her old car got broken into several times. As for tha switcharoo on tha pic thats all well and good , but I dont like tha Buddyclub wheels on my ride...:slap:
THNX for the compliment... The sprints might be going to my girl soon though... She had them before for awhile and now she wants to sport them again so I need to buy new rimz.. Tried to come off some red sprints, But the guy jewed me and sold them to his friend So now I'mthinkin about maybe some wedsports:rocks: