JDMchat CONTEST!! Featured EK Go to page 4 for an easier view of the rides. The time has come, im gettin this thing started early Heres the rules: Enter 4 pics of YOUR car. Entries can be any 96-00 Honda Civic Coupe/Hatch/Ferio Please just post pics as of now, when the winner is chosen then they can list mods, future plans, Story of your car, etc...... Also thanks to the gracious contribution from Response Import Auto Fashion, the winner will recieve A CSX airfreshener and refill Click here for info http://www.shopresponse.com/air_spencer_csx3_squash_air_freshener.html http://www.shopresponse.com/air_spencer_csx3_squash_refill.html Here are the pics I will be taking submissions until May 15th, maybe longer it just depends on how many submissions we get up till then. Even if you think your car looks bad, enter it anyways someone might like it and you just might win. Remeber this is all about fun and friendly competition:rocks: Let the submissions begin:cheers: Sponsored by JDMChat.com and Response Import Auto Fashion www.shopresponse.com
no i just kno i dont want to..... im teiin u.... it looks like sh*t, everyone will laugh, its that bad
here u guys go, since u asked, i know it looks like crap..... just a work in progress my exhaust... apexi noir the dent payed for my hawaii trip w/ my girlfriend for 2 weeks
ya no prob..... even tho i hate mine but cant wait to fix it up and get it lookin how it is in my head