passwordjdm is way overpriced, you can always find something at or at a better price.
pwjdm is very pricey. ive bought a few things off of them though. ive only ordered one thing off of ebay and it was a brandname piece so i cant comment much on that. have heard plenty of horror stories about it though. 2 out of 3 friends of mine that ordered CF hoods from there arrived messed up in some way :googly:
Sorry to hear that! This was my 1st time hearing of the place it was no use to me seen more parts for other cars so I was just passing it on.
If youre smart and know what to look for, ebay will save you a ton of money like this guy. I would be sketch to order a CF hood on ebay though unless there were really good pics and it was brand name.
That's a good one but on jdm parts yahoojapan works better for me cause I can get legend parts that aren't offered to on ebay and the ones that are on ebay I can get for about 70% cheaper but that's just me.