is anyone else's door sound loud when they close it? it sounds like it shuts hard and metal-metal. as opposed to most civics, which sound a little softer. is it the glass window that rattles because it doesnt hav the frame around it?
Mine sounds a bit rough, but I think it is because the seals are bad and it is actually making contact with metal through the worn out seals. Might want to lube up the seals with the stuff Honda sells. Hint: It's dielectric grease
Replace Weather Stripping You should replace your Weather Stripping around your Door Frame Its that Black Strip around You Door.. I Had All My Weather Stripping Replaced Last Year Cause its a 14 year old Car... :spitdrink: S&catcgry4=KA5MT&catcgry5=DOOR PANEL
If you want to lube up your seals use silicone grease, but make sure its the 100% stuff you can get it from electrical places in the UK costs about $10 a tube will last a while, apply it every week will soften the seals up & definately helps stop water leaks
I think Chelby (pres. of AZSols) has some of that stuff...bring your car out to the pool party on aug. 19th and we can hook you up Definately a seals problem though. It's either the seal next to the window vertically or the pieces of rubber where the door meets the body. At least from the metal to metal sound you are describing that seems like the only place it could be.