As most of you have seen I have a pretty ugly dent in my hood and the paint is starting to peel and rust is starting to form. I just got back from getting an estimate on getting it fixed and they guy qouted me $824. To get a new one would be $1000. I just say get a carbon fiber, my parents are REALLY iffy about this so I need your help. First I need reasons why the carbon fiber is a better choice.. Second my parents think all this will do is get me more attention and people will want to "race" me. Tell them what people will really think. Third I just need general info about carbon fiber and the quailty of it and any pictures of how good it looks on some cars. Im going to be showing my parents what you guys say so please give me some good info. I am only 16 if you guys were wondering why im making such a big deal out of this.
~CaRbon Fiber Facts~ ~Carbon fiber can refer to carbon filament thread, or to felt or woven cloth made from those carbon filaments. By extension, it is also used informally to mean any composite material made with carbon filament; for more on that application, see graphite-reinforced plastic. A cloth of woven carbon filamentsContents 1 Synthesis 2 Textile 3 Uses 4 External links Synthesis Each carbon filament is made out of long, thin sheets of carbon similar to graphite. A common method of making carbon filaments is the oxidation and thermal pyrolysis of polyacrylonitrile (PAN), a polymer used in the creation of many synthetic materials. Like all polymers, polyacrylonitrile molecules are long chains, which are aligned in the process of drawing fibres. When heated in the correct fashion, these chains bond side-to-side, forming narrow graphene sheets which eventually merge to form a single, jelly roll-shaped filament. The result is usually 93-95% carbon. Lower-quality fibre can be manufactured using pitch or rayon as the precursor instead of PAN. The carbon can become further enhanced, as high modulus, or high strength carbon, by heat treatment processes. Carbon heated in the range of 1500-2000 °C (carburizing) exhibits the highest tensile strength (820,000 psi or 5,650 MPa or 5,650 N/mm²), while carbon fiber heated from 2500 to 3000 °C (graphitizing) exhibits a higher modulus of elasticity (77,000,000 psi or 531 GPa or 531 kN/mm²). Textile There are several categories of carbon fibers: standard modulus (240 GPa) , intermediate modules (300 GPa), high modulus (> 300 GPa). The tensile strength differs from type to yarn type between 2000 and 7000 MPa. Precursors for the carbon fibers are PAN and pitch. In former time and special products Reyon. Carbon fiber filament yarns are used in serveral proccessing techniques: the direct use is for: prepregging, filament winding, pultrusion, weaving, braiding a.s.o. These filaments are stranded into a thread. Carbon fiber thread is rated by the number of filaments per thread, in thousands. For example, 3K (3,000 filament) carbon fiber is 3 times as strong as 1K carbon fiber, but is also 3 times as heavy. This thread can then be used to weave a carbon fiber cloth. The appearance of this cloth generally depends on the size of thread and the weave chosen. Carbon fiber is naturally a glossy black but recently colored carbon fiber has become available. Uses Carbon fiber is most notably used to reinforce composite materials, particularly the class of materials known as graphite reinforced plastic. This class of materials is used in high-performance vehicles, sporting equipment, and other demanding mechanical applications; a more thorough discussion of these uses, including composite lay-up techniques, can be found in the carbon fibre composite article. Non-polymer materials can also be used as the matrix for carbon fibres. Due to the formation of metal carbides (i.e., water-soluble AlC) and corrosion considerations, carbon has seen limited success in metal matrix composite applications. Reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) consists of carbon fiber-reinforced graphite, and is used structurally in high-temperature applications, such as the nose cone and leading edges of the space shuttle. The fiber also finds use in filtration of high-temperature gases, as an electrode with high surface area and impeccable corrosion resistance, and as an anti-static component in high-performance clothing. Some string instruments, such as violins and cellos, use carbon fiber reinforced composite bows. This is an alternative to the more common wooden bows. Many high end frames for road bikes and mountain bikes are made of carbon fiber reinforced composite. Also, many road bikes made of aluminum have carbon fiber reinforced composite seat posts, handlebars and forks for reduced weight. It is also widely used to enhance the look of autmobiles and reduce weight. Many of the "tuner" style cars have carbon fiber hoods to reduce weight from a stock 28 lb hood to an 8 lb hood. Another use is in the increasingly popular hobby of RC cars, many high-end kits come with many carbon fiber parts due to their light weight and attractive appearance. Ex: Mugen MBX-5,Jammin X1CR PRO Carbon fibre is also used by skateboard companys to make strong lightweight skateboards. for all types of skating, mainly downhill speedboarding and it is used in many composit longboards to stiffen an otherwise very flexible board.,,
^Whoa, mr. wizard up in here...JK Carbon fiber hood is a better choice for you because it is way cheaper than replacing the stock one. You can get a good cf hood for about $500. Also, it is quite a bit lighter(like 30 pounds, I think?) than a stock steel hood and will help your car perform better(acceleration, braking, handling, and gas mileage) The difference won't be a whole lot, but anytime you can shave weight off of a car, the better that car will perform. If you get one, make sure you get one that is well made by a major company (VIS, Seibon, etc.) Good cf should shimmer like fishscales in the sun, not look black, even from a distance. And DO NOT, I repeat Not buy off eBay. I have heard horror stories of cracked clear coat and piss-poor quality off-brand hoods. If I ever got one, I would paint it to match car because I like that clean look, but if you got a cf hood and painted it to match, it would cost just about $1000 total, and not save you any money over stock parts. If your parents think people will want to race you because you have a cf hood, the answer to that is simple: YOU don't have to race them. It takes two to tango, mom and dad. You are only 16 and shouldn't be racing anyway Where I live if you get a speeding ticket before you turn 18, you lose your license until you turn 18. Sucks, huh? Anyway, if you do get one, you may seriously want to get hood pins because the hood is so lightweight, they are a good safety precaution to have, and cheap too (15-30 bucks) I recommend following the instructions carefully and using a SHARP drill bit, as not to damage that new pretty hood. Also most state laws, I believe, say that if you have hood pins you cannot have the oem latch still on the car. It's one or the other. That's irrelevant though because properly installed hood pins NEVER fail. I mean, they use them on every race car that go 150+ mph, I'm sure they will be good on your Prelude going the speed limit. Anyway, hope I helped. BB SQUAD FOR LIFE!!!!!
ARD performance hooked me up pretty quick with a very well made Carbon Creations hood. Sucker was in stock and they got it shipped up here to the south bay in about a week. I think it was around $550 with shipping. Oh yeh, and it's getting the pimp treatment with hood-pins... $125, but machined aluminum with a captured self locking pin... Should be back from the body ship (Other repairs) in about 2 weeks, so I'll post up pics... I can't speak highly enough about the carbon creations hood... Yeh it's $100 or so more then a VIS or Seibon hood, but it's got a trimmed down OEM steel understructure instead of plastic. Very light, and very rigid… Now I just need to make a lil' SS heat shield so it doesn't melt ;-) Oh yeh, and ask for Roy at ADR, this guy called fiber images for me every day for a week trying to get the hood I originally wanted… When that came up a bust, I asked him to find me a comparable hood for under $700 shipped and he came back with the Carbon Creations hood the next day for $150 less then I asked. Good service. And just so nobody’s left out: Adam at Weeksacue took very good care of me getting a wheel and quick release. And Import Auto Fashion got me the Mugan pedal set with quickness.
SYKEEEEE... Oh my listen to this.. So I woke up this morning to a phone call, I looked at caller id and it said Jet Devliery Service so I thought it was about my hood and sure enough they said it would be here around 12-3 this afternoon. I was so fucking exicited! I went and mowed the lawn real quck so i could be inside and ready to do the install when it gets here. As im watching a movie on my comp i get another phone call. The guy sounded REALLY nervous so im like shit, they must have broke it or something, instead they say there guy who called me earlier got ahead of himself and the didnt even ahve the hood yet. I went into depression quick. He said it should be here tomorrow or latest, thursday. All that build up and then SPLAT, nothing. theres my story. Im mad. Pics will be up tomorrow(if I get it tomorrow).
I drive a '92 prelude with a CF hood. And about other people wanting to race you on the streets, that is your choice to make. There are people who want to race me, but I do not do it just because they rev their engine on me. But I will race if I'm in the mood. (And have a chance of winning) lol.
Well I learned my lesson with being dumb and racing so im down with that, unless its at the track, but i dont wanna waste my money at the track cuz i know ill be gettin like 15.5's