NIGHTOWL S-13 stalked by police

Discussion in 'Off Topic - Anything' started by Specter, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. Specter

    Specter New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    this is getting ridiculas...

    okay so me and Mike [guy in know from school] decide to go out to the local pool hall because there is nothing better to do. we play for a couple of hours and decide that we are too hungry to continue, time is about 11:15pm. so we decide to hit up whatever's open and seeing as we are both tired of Steak and Shake we try chicago street pizza. well for whatever reason the pizza shop that's normally open to midnight closed early, so we end up at White Castle [only other place that's open where we can sit in the lobby and not freeze our collective asses off]

    11:30 we arrive at White Castle

    since Mike used to work there [and seeing as we were the only people there besides the 2 other workers] we are just goofing around and having a good time eating some gut busting burgers.

    11:45 Mikes friend says "what is that cop doing here"

    11:45:20 i turn around to see a squad car backing up to get behind my parked S-13

    Mike; "he's probibly running your plates"
    Me; "shit!"

    well the cop must have noticed that all the occupents of White Castle were just standing by the window stareing at him so he "leaves". so he pulls into the Taco Bell parking lotright next door where he can still see my car and we can still see him

    12:00 he's still there, i begin to wave at him
    12:05 cop pulls back around white castle and drives slowly behind my car again
    12:06 cop settels back in same spot at Taco Bell
    12:07 i continue to wave, eat burgers, and pose mad JDM style

    at this point i'm like wtf

    12:30 he's still there, me and Mike proceede to help Mikes friends at White Castle put the chairs up on the tabels and sweep the store

    12:45 cop "leaves" again
    12:47 we notice him pulling into the Noodles and Co. parking lot on the other side of White Castle
    12:48 i continue to wave at him
    1:00 he's still there just sitting there with his lights on and spotlight aimed at my car
    1:15 start doing russian dance infront of window where cop can see me
    1:18 cop "leaves"
    1:20 we see cop pull into movie threater parking lot next to Noodles and Co.
    1:21 i do jumping jacks where cop can see me
    1:30 cop "leaves"
    1:31 cop pulls into Bank parking lot where he can still see me
    1:40 cop acctually gets far enough away that i think i can get out of there

    1:41 me and mike make a run for the next town over
    1:42 pass second cop that we didn't even see parked in other bank parking lot the opposite direction
    1:42:30 are 100ft from next town over driving at 20mph in 5th gear
    1:42:45 stall car
    1:42:50 SHIT cop is pulling out behind me
    1:43:00 start car and pull on to road that is technically not their juristiction
    1:43:10 cop turns back into strip mall
    1:43:20 make a run for freedom

    we escape and go to Mijers [or however you spell it] to let the heat cool down before having to skirt around LITH to get back home...

    i think that this is the first time i've ever really been stalked by the cops before... i feel harassed
  2. Nachtmensch

    Nachtmensch New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    and why did you feel the need to get away? :confused:

    so he wants to run your plates. so what. he has the power to do that. if infact you are doing something illegal or he finds something illegal on your car, you will be ticketed or given a warning (at the least)

    i dont see why it was a big deal.
  3. EastEndMotorSports

    EastEndMotorSports New Member

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    Aug 27, 2006
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  4. Nachtmensch

    Nachtmensch New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    yeah, personally i wouldve walked out there and talked with the officer. see whats up, etc
  5. Specter

    Specter New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    well there is a little more to it then that...

    see this is the same town where 4 days prior i got arrested Smokey Nagata style for speeding...

    pretty sure it was the same cop
  6. Nachtmensch

    Nachtmensch New Member

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    Apr 28, 2006
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    and why would you speeding 4 days prior matter? is your car stolen or something? is there anything in your car? any warrents? stolen parts? no.

    let them do their job.

    CLUTCHONE Active Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
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    Trying Catch Me Ridding Dirty...

    Why would you Try to Catch the Cops Attention by waving at Him... :)

    I would have Not even Made Eye Contact an gave him No Reason to Follow Me but that Just Me... :googly:

    He Could have Found Many Reasons to Impound My Car Just by Exhaust SetUp alone So I Try to Keep a Very Low Profile while driving Near Police...:(
  8. deadpirate

    deadpirate New Member

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    Jul 23, 2006
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    lmfao...go smokey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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