Raybrig Honda NSX from TAS This thing looks better in the picture, it has heavy wear (scrathces etc) on the exterior, well it is a actual race car so what do you expect.
Original Pic of the Sorcery NSX (TAS) Here is a cool pic of the Sorcery NSX from a (TAS). This kit makes the NSX look very similar to the lines of a 360/F430. Notice the Yellow Badge as well. I also believe this company helps in design of aero parts for some of the JGTC race teams.
I have had a thing for NSX's lately. You dont see many of them around, which is surprising. There not to crazy expensive, but rather rare to find i guess
Lately?? Haha, I always admired them. The early models are a great deal, can be had for the mid $20Ks. But the late model ones still carry a tad high price.