Hmm, not feeling the hood tiltuke: I would put the hood back:slap: , the cooling should be efficient.
They're just a personal preference...but regardless it's still sexy! had my vote on jdmcc even with the eyelids!
The JDM hood tilt has been proven to work. My local shops 12 second hatch even has it! I say rock the tilt AND rock the eyelids. Both are done properly and look good. Nothing wrong with being different if you ask me, besides, the side fin things are ARC. Sex.
Hood Tilt... The Hood Tilt is Nice, I use every method to keep my Engine Cool, Regardless of the Peak a Boos that look under the Crack when Im not around...
Thanx alot man, I love my splitters:rocks: Yeah man be careful with the peak a boos, you guys have it rough in california
Have you ever... Have you ever been in a Place like a resturant and seen guys outside looking at your car through the Resturant window?? Its happened to me so many times guys would be all trying to look through my Mugen Hood Vents and hood tilt sometime I come out the mall and see hand prints on my windshield when I get in my car from fools trying to look inside... :chair: