Looking through my old files and found these pictures of the Mugen CR-X. Pictures are a little small and quality not so good but rarely seen. Thought I would share.
JDM Mugen Equipped Honda CRX Here are 2 really old pics of the Mugen CR-X, Most likely from an early Tokyo Auto Salon (I am not taking credit of these pics.) Not sure if this was Mugen's CRX or a Honda Verno (Japan Dealer) CR-X equipped with Mugen Parts. Now this is OG JDM!
What i really like about the mugen kit is that it keeps the basic shape of the crx...not to overthetop! Why mess with perfection?! Nice pics guys
anyone know where to find a Real mugen kit not the Wings west replica??? i have also been wonting to find the real Mugen Wing... Also i made a post for everyone about where to get JDM Parts if any of you have good sites please list them so you can help out fellow EF people... Thank you... http://jdmchat.com/showthread.php?t=830
Here's a picture of a friend's Mugen Pro.2 kitted CR-X from last Sunday: ... and a replica one: I think Mugen made an EF3 or EF6 or whatever kit that had the ZC front end bumper lights, but I'm pretty sure it only fit the first version USDM CR-X bumper lights (the 88-89 versions? I'm not a CR-X guy so don't quote me). Leon (same guy as in first picture above) had it before he got his SiR kit.
Nice pics, I have yet to see those!! The kit looks clean on that CRX, but for some reason, i've never liked that style spoiler.uke: My opinion I guess.
heres something that may have never been seen. not sure as ive been out of CRXs for about 6 years. mugen turbo kit for first gen CRX.