hi, one q, when i start my car it runs good for a while then it heats up, and then i see my radiator hoses (both of them) with pressure, they told me it could be my headgaskets, does anyone know about this???? plz help
hmm.. does your car shoot white smoke out the exhaust... and when it heats up does it start running like ass and misfiring?
HMM i got that "sweetsmell" form that subaru headgasket, but i didn't notice any white smoke coming from the exhaust :'(
it's like the water doesn't run thru the engine it's weird, i have new waterpump, and it builds up a pressure of hot steamy air in the radiator
sounds like what my car is going through. pull off your oil cap. look underneath it and look for anything that doesnt look like normal oil (creamy kinda green for mine). if so, thats a blown HG. the sweat smell is burning coolant. mine does that also, not visible but you can smell it. its a small leak.
have u ever replaced the head gasket on the car??? if u have the person who put it back together could have put it one backwards this could be closing some water jacket holes i have seen it happen a few times ppl think they can only go one way but nope there wrong and thats what happens
This might sound stupid but try taking out the thermostat and running the car. If its stuck shut it might be building up pressure like that? I really dont know though, never heard of this kinda problem so im kinda BSing lol.
hehe no it's good, i did take the thermo out, but still does the same thing, i thought it was my waterpump not pumping water, but it looks good to me! i still think it's my headgaskets :s
so you're saying that when the car is on and running it'll be fine for a while, but then as it heats up the radiator and the hoses become full of steam rather then coolent? have you tried filling the system
ok i started my car without the radiator, just with water in the waterpump hose, so i can c if the water is being pumped, but nothing!! and i did notice sum white smoke coming from the exhaust, but not so much!!
have you done a compression and leak down test? that should tell you pretty well. ALSO! LOOK UNDER YOUR OIL CAP! thats the easiest way to tell if you have coolant in your oil, which means a BHG.