Ok, so this morning I go to warm up my Mazda6 before my 9a.m. class. I give the car some gas, put it in reverse, and drive off. 2 minutes down the road, I notice the car making a weird noise, so I pull over. The check engine light has been on for about a day, and out of no where the oil light comes on. Ok, so I pull over, open the hood up and look around, nothing. I take it for a quick spin and notice that the car is really weak and stumbles past 2k RPM. At this point I figure I have to drive back home and just take my room mates car. I don't make it home, and I have to push the car into a random spot. As I walk home, I notice that there is a HUGE puddle of oil just chillin where I parked the night before. This is a big problem, really. So I call the Mazda dealer and see what the deal could be. They tell me to have AAA tow it there and they'd look at it. They have it there for a good 45 minutes and call me to say that "the oil filter had been put on wrong." WTF!?!? I had my oil changed at Super Lube about a month and a half ago, why would it act up now? Anyway, Super Lube and Mazda are working things out now and hopefully I don't have a locked-up engine . If I do, I'm gonna need to do a swap on my Mazda6! What do you guys think about this whole situation? First my car gets stolen, then my 6 gets screwed in the ass....
How do u put an oil filter on wrong? You screw it on... making sure to put a little oil on the rim of the filter...done deal. ???
Bullshit Answer... You Put your Oil Filter on Wrong... :bs: When you saw the Oil Light on Im sure You Checked the Oil and Didnt Just "look around"... ??? You Should Still Have a Warranty on Your Car~ Call your Dealer...oke:
Oh god driving a car for 2 seconds with no oil = DEATH! Sorry to hear about this, at least its not your fault! I dunno about the oil filter not being on right though, it just doesnt make sense that it would spew oil out all the sudden.
that suxxx... well hopefully you can get it worked out without too much money spent. as it was not your fault
I've heard that the oil filter for the 6i is very awkward. maybe Super Lube didn't know and fucked it up some how? I don't know. I have to wait until monday for them to get back to me...it's painful not having a car
Dang...You know what you need... Yeah thats right, A Chicken Salad Sandwich:thumbup: Sorry to hear about more car trouble When r U coming back to the ville?
believe it or not, there are fuckups in the world dumb enough to put an oil filter on wrong. The threads on the block can be cross-threaded, the filter case can be dented during installation, all kinds of completely moron moves. Let the dealership and SuperLube straighten it out. Relax, unless you are calling a BS flag.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for either SuperLube or Mazda to get back to me...I have finals this week so I NEED a car. I should be back in Niceville maybe next Sunday
*UPDATE* Super Lube has got me a rental car and purchased a "new" engine (16k miles). The engine will arrive Dec. 14th, and the will start putting it in that day and work the weekend on it! I'm thinking this is all at no charge to me!
they shoulda got you the mazdaspeed6 motor to replace the one they messed up. sorry to hear about your car troubles bro. BTW, what ever happened to your old hatch...has it already been rebuilt by now? sorry, i was just wondering about it take care man.
Lets hope so, 'cause that would be wack if they tried to charge you for anything. I might be around sun., give me a call and come hang with some homies:thumbup: