hey guys...justa update that my eh6 is no more earlier today i was in a crash an the car is pretty much totaled.... it makes me sick cause i been putting so much work into this lately to have it ready for nopi in september.... not sure whether i will get another sol or a eg...just have to figure that out later i suppose...im to heartbroken to think on it atm.. some of the work ive been doin to it: K&N Shortram Airmass header Spoon N1 exhaust Pherable ecu NGK Plugs Magstar wires Zoom clutch Fidanza aluminum flywheel Spoon Duracon shift knob Autometer guages Ground Control coilovers Monroe struts BLOX RLCAs HX wheels 20% window tint the car was going to go into paint within the next few weeks but im just glad now that i didnt waste my effort on it... few random shots before the accident... My HX wheels that i drove 7hours to Nashville, Tennessee and back to get...left my house at 8:30PM lol got back at 3:30AM /\ i painted and polished those myself which took forever in itself... I think thats about all the pics that i have of it on my laptop....thanks for lookin guys... Shaggy R.I.P. EH6 7/18/07
oh..and if anyone you guys know has another sol for sale or possibly an EG hatch then leme know. Thanks
yes i did have insurance but it was only liability...it looks much worse in person im afraid..the centerline of the frame is 4 1/2" to the passenger side off and doors wont close so well. it got the radiator and front supports...so its pretty much totaled my header and all the other aftermarket parts were not even touched in the wreck though so thats a plus just tryin to find another thats already been gsr or b16 swapped already then turbo it i suppose, still not for sure yet though... I <3 my go-kart (my delsol) but another project may be in the mix as well..
wow man, really sad to see that. Its a really bad feeling totaling a car, hopefully you will come back even better.
Thanks, not sure were i want to go from here...i might just try to pick up another sol and start where i left off on this one... I want an EG hatch but alota people has those and my gf cant stand them, that blows it out of the water right there lol....i know it will be somthing honda for sure cause i didnt buy up this spoon stuff just to sell it again what you guys think? an EG project or resurrect the dream of the go-kart?
it hurts me too...im sure ill be hurting worse in the morning =/ lol. no one was hurt though and that is the main thing i suppose, well my pride was hurt pretty bad but thats to be expected. heck it didnt even hurt the van that bad. dented the fender and cracked the fenderflair and thats all >.< but he sure turned me about 90 degrees when we hit.
damn dude, sorry to see that. theres a couple sol's aroun here for sale, they all got d15b7's and d16z6's though.
/\ thanks, i think that im gona go with a b series already swapped to try and save me a headache or two..unless they did the swap terribly then it would be a worse headache lol...im gona go for one that is fairly mint this time and not be afraid to pay a little more for it. the thing that really held up my progress with mine is that i was spending alot of time and money just fixing what was needed on it. it had 214k on it but i had most of the problems solved except for a few bushings and small things. ahwell just get to do it all over again i guess. when i go b series alot of my stuff will be up for grabs so ill post um up in the classifieds... header, ecu, etc... I feel a challenge coming on...build a car to make the Sept 14 cruize to nopi!!!! aiight, im sleepy...long day -_- zZzZ
d16z6T!!! Sorry to hear about the wreck man. Definitely get another Sol, slam it, and put those HX's on! You'll be killin it then!
a GReddy turbo kits was going on my z6 after the nopi show, i should just go back with the same z6 setup because all my engine and trans components are still in good shape... i'll decide between the two later on, basicly just depends on the condition of the vehicle that i find. at least my car treated my well when she was going. only broke down on me one time cause the timing belt broke on the interstate, this happened about 30sec after my gf put the radio on country music so i blamed it on that everybody tells me that im the luckiest person they know because when the belt broke nothing internally was damaged. lol when it broke i was like "yes!!! GSR swap! w00t!.... damnit the z6 it ok!"
i feel bad asking, but if you decide to go another route, can i buy the rear section of your exhaust??? i'm really sorry to hear about your ride. it makes you feel like mabe you shouldn't build up another car, so your heart won't have the possibility of being broken again. best of luck.
/\ i know the feeling exactly!!! as for the exhaust im afraid that i have a use for it afterall, i just picked up a car today that im sure all of you will enjoy ..........but im not gona release what it is, pics, or anything for that matter till i do a buildup thread on it...im such an ass i know lol, but its worth the wait. Jusshatched, your my new fortune cookie....lol you were right about me coming back better than ever :thumbup: all i can say is that while im still broken about my sol, this new car definatly fills some of the void :woot: P.S. Thrule, dont say crap bout what i bought yet bro ~And i also want to thank all of you for all the kind words and encouragement. really makes the day go by a bit better~