Whats up guys. I got this Idea from a good friend of mine(DigitalHorizon).This thread is for the photographers on the board. If you have a shot that you'd like to show. The shots do not have to be car related. If you feel like it is a good shot just post it here. Dont be afraid.:thumbup: ~Please only post Photos that YOU have Taken.~ Photographers of all shill levels are welcome to post. I'll start it off. Here ara a few randoms I've taken over the past few weeks.
I believe I shot this at I'm not sure) Iso: 400 SS: 30 seconds Fstop :3.5 I am going to stake some more like that this week. I will tell you the seeting on those. here is a new one.
Posted these on JDMU, but nobody commented them...how ghey Enjoy! I know Flexin_k20 will like some of these:
Oh Yeah:rocks: :rocks: Very nice, that new camera you have is so badass:thumbup: Lets so some of that S2K...
I'm onthe U, and dont remember seeing the pics. If you wanted them critiqued, you should post them in a new thread asking for critique. :thumbup: Pics look great though. Aniother Recent pic.
I took this tonight. I am actually pretty dissapointed witht the shot. I was on a tripod. Yet I still got shake and streaks. I think I didnt tighten the mount enough. I was really hoping to get this pic because, from this location you can see all of the fireworks in Los Angeles. I mean from Long Beach to Redondo and from San Pedro to Culver City. Anyway if you look hard enough you can see the fire works in the city behind and the fireworks in the forground.
My God, Rob you are so critical of your own work! That photo is remarkeable, I love the way the fire work is nicely positioned to the top right. When I look at this photo and you speak of the South Bay where I live too, it looks like a neon Palm Tree. Beautiful! You are truly talented.:thumbup:
I got a couple firework pics....i was zoomed in all the way, with no tripod :slap: I thought these were cool...