READ BEFORE POSTING! 1. Forum may get heated so be civil and do not take things said in this section into other areas of JDMchat of your personal encounters. 2. Do not post personal information of other people. Doing so will result in the thread being deleted, and a warning will be given. 3. Threats of violence will not be condoned and thread deleted. 4. Moderators and Admins reserve the right to close or delete any thread. 5. Threads with duplicate subjects (ex. multiple threads concerning the same individual) will immediately be locked. Only one thread per subject, please. 6. RACIAL INSENSIBILITY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN ANY FORM.! I.E JOKES OR COMMENTS OF BAD TASTE! 8. Threads may be removed as seen fit by an Admin/Moderator. 9. If in doubt about anything that you wish to post please feel free to to PM me. Let the fun begin: :cheers: