yeah no kidding. it fits so well. ive always admired its design and wanted one back before i had a 240sx. then i 'bought' (trade + $500 to me) the 240sx, and it came in it now all i need is a Nardi steering wheel and some seats. i need a new boot... bad.
Hell yeah!! i couldnt believe it either. When i got the little spoon box i was like WTF!! they sent me an empty box. lol I opened the box and the knob was inside i was likee dayummmmmmm!
does stock count? STFU it's leather and fits my hand and looks better then any aftermarket shift knob out there [thanks to the shift boot clipping to it... damn you Honda] w/e i have a Razo and a Skunk2 sitting in my room doing nothing
does not work like that :ermm: the shift boot screws into the center section and the shift knob clips into the boot... so, yeah... i don't really care, i like the stock one. [besides i've seen an after market one on a CD5 and it looks really ghey IMO]