guys tell me what you think so far. alot of the changes are from helping ideas from you guys. you can see the total differance and let me tell you i LOVE the outcome. BEFORE PICS: NOW, AFTER Joing JDM CHAT: hehe, thats my wife in the picture below. dont know whats she doing there... well guys thats about it for now... please drop some comments!!! thanks !!!
much much better man! how do you get so much done in such short time? lol when i start something im like, theres always tomorow. makin great progress. so whats next on the list?
nice brotha. you do get things done at a quick turnaround rate good job man, and be sure to keep us posted on your progress with the JDM conversion peace:rocks:
well what do you guys think about me changing the bumper and corner lights and making them JDM Amber??? instead of them being Clear??? thanks again!
You know, I never understood why everyone has to get a soshinoya badge or 6 for their cars. They mean n00b driver in this context, and the last thing I would want to be known as is a n00b driver when out on the streets or the track. Looks good though :thumbup:
Way better! Amber corners and parking lights would set it off TRUST ME! My photoshop doesnt lie Another thing you should do is ditch the mesh garbage in the grill, it screams rice. Other than that its comin along awesome, cant wait to see whats next!
heh funny u should metion those...those were givin to me as a gift by my wife, cause she knows that i been redoing my car. so she went onto one of the sites i go one alot besides shopresponse, called passwordjdm and got them for me with out me knowing. i realized when they came in the mail. so cause i love her so much i put them on my car cause i knew that would make her happy... and you think i should ditch the middle grill??? leave it emtpy...i mean you could see the all the parts from the radiator and the airbag sensors i figuered it would look better if i covered it all up... no?
Hey, in case you didnt read the forum rules, the idea of members garage is to only have 1 often updated thread per member. For that reason I moved your other thread to the accord forum, since this one had all your old and new pictures anyways Later pimp.
yeh, Ditch the MESH GET AMBER CORNERS AND LOWERS then your TRU-JDM ps... what about the pinstripe? is that paint or decal?
oh god i wish i can take those dreadful pinstrips off, but saddly they are painted on so in order for me to take them off i would have to have them sanded off and re paint. i already got a estimate for that...dont know yet.
i agree that your car is looking way better. and getting the ambers only do it good! have you thought about painting your mesh in your bumper black? it wouldnt stand out so much, and that would make your bumper look alot more open! heres my very rough photochop just to get an idea! sorry for the sloppy work! :Z
actually the srs sensors are located inside the cabin of the vehicle underneath the dash towards the bottom of the firewall.. you probably mean the horns
ha! yeh your right....funny thing, i always thought those were the srs sensors...i leanred somthing new now! thanks.