I LOVE Smileys You should add every one ever made... oke: as long as it moves and that size, they are so cool...:lightsabre:
i got a crap load of them to, but there is one thing related to this that i think we should add. a smiles button on the quick reply. the reason is that in order to see the list of smiles i have to go advanced, which is a pain. [idk maybe it's just me but i like the quick reply a lot ]
5 Images is Ok... The reason why there is a 5 Image Limit cause Posting more per post will slow down your PC or straight shut you down so 5 is cool... :computerrage: I love the New smiles everyone should help out here and add there Favorite smiles that are not here so Daniel can Add them to our Selection... hsnap:
this has to be the best star wars one i have seen :thumbup: :loser: is my favorite, :leghump: is pretty awesome but for all you gay ppl (especially Arian)
guess i need to start using smilies...im just so used to doing the aim command smilies lol....:cheers: ...cant wait till i get off work today...moving so slow....(you would notice this cause ive comments on basically every post today lol)
:loser: is my favorite, :leghump: is pretty awesome but for all you gay ppl (especially Arian) [/quote] :spitdrink: Hahaha, I never seen this one! I will add this one tonight. Arian are you gonna take that?
LMFAO! Arian gay?!? Ok fine since he does have a woman...i guess we could say hes Bi? Lol im j/p with you dude haha :rocks:
ya i kno he bustin my balls its all good...... ahh man daniel what did carboneg say u deleted it :twak: . hahahah just kidding
Isnt there a site just for these smiles that has like 10,000 of them. Ill google it and seem what comes up.