What are your future plans for it? Remember to look at our site www.shopresponse.com for some JDM goodies.
hey rember i was the one who orded this a few weeks ago from Response? i got a lot of plans for it, i wanna go turbo lata on when im able 2...
ima put the valve cover on when i change my serpintine belts and timing belt and valve cover gasket and i gotta do my cam seals....
sup soul did you ever got that mugen lip put on??? i been waiting to see it on! looks like im gonna post some pics of my car as well like maybe tommrow since i left my camera in the car =/ and i got some update pics at work lol.
no i didnt i cant wait to get it on... only prob is that i have to get a new front valence cause the one i have is cracked on the right side and is missing screws and sticking out a bit on the left side...so i have to order a new one for like $90...as soon as im able to order it im gettn that mugen lip on