who here still hasn't filed their tax return? i haven't yet, and i should get on it so i can see if i can get some new rims this year:woot:
i jsut did it last weekend. i got $340 back (only made barely over 6k, i was job hopping all year) so i bought myself an air compressor. its been on my list of tools that i REALLY need to get. so i sucked it up and bought it i got more back this year than last, even though last year i made close to 10k i need to find a higher paying job asap.
yeah since i don't own anything (property) or have kids i won't get much back. eventhough i made $30000 last year. (not bad for a 17 year old )
Truck Driver... Im a Truck Driver So I always look forward for Tax Season... I save all my Receipts all year an get back a Large Percentage of what I spent from Food, Clothes, Electronics, etc...
I got back enough to pay some credit bills and a computer monitor... my car will have to wait for some more love other than her bi-weekly car wash...