shout out here when you're totally fucking bored... hey, bite me, it's something to do isn't it?:computerrage:
and on that note... can't sleep and i'm fucking bored... wonder how cold it is outside, might go for a walk [naked :devious:]
this post brought to you by spontaneous typing special thanks goes to: boredom, sleep deprivation, juicy fruit, and the voices in my head. ....mmmWakaWaka
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bored...not tired...but need school in the AM.... i need a truck is a POS...i need a cig to
ok its christmas and im bored. Its supposed to be snowing and its raining! Oh well at least im not working =)
God Im so bored once again. Why do I always end up on this page when im bored? Oh yea because its awesome
readin g a bunch of driving stuff for my car made me want to go work on it now. im off to go freeze now...
2 more bolts and it's free then i'm doing my wire tuck tomorrow along with pulling the motor and cleaning the shit out of my engine bay
Hot Today It was Fuckin Hot Today In California Fuckin 87 degrees..:googly: So Hot a Brush Fire is Burning all the Million Dollar Homes in Malibu right next to the Beach...
sucks to be them... im aiming for something like this. but not as extreme. im not moving my brake and clutch MC's in to the interior... hsnap:
that is really clean it was 87 degrees in so cal today???? that explains why my APT was so hot...malibu isnt that far from me either...kinda scary