I was thinking of getting some 18s for show but I considered 16s! Since everybody is going big, I might just go small to achieve a different look. Might do some 16x7 Rota GT3s in royal gold or bronze on my NBP 5th gen and rock my 17" RPF1s for track days. I know some don't like rotas, but they are light, cheap, and look good when done right IMO. What do you think.
Ahh, there must be some Rota haters on this board. Hey I'm not spending $2000 for some daily driver wheels. Just not practical.
Okay, I'll hate. I don't really like 'em. I understand not wanting to spend $2000 on wheels, but let's be realistic: Cars are meant to be driven. That being said, you shouldn't totally cheap out on wheels because you are afraid they might get messed up. Rims are going to wear no matter what, just like the rest of the car. You might as well look as good as possible while you are driving it. If you are going to buy Rotas, maybe you could just put some good ol' steelies on there instead. Then you will never have to worry about the rims getting messed up. Of course, you'll probably never get laid again either. LOL JK It's up to you man, but don't sacrifice style for a couple bucks. You've got a nice car. Remeber that. The rims I want are cheap, but I think they look dope. You don't Have to buy Volks or Work or BBS or any other expensive ass rims to get a good look. The GT3's aren't horrible, but they are played out a little. Here are the rims I want. You can find them for as little as $156 a piece, and I think they look way better than GT3's. P.S. Don't buy them, or I'll be jealous!!!!!!! But feel free to buy something along those lines. :thumbup:
Thanks for the feedback and the compliment. That's funny though, I used to want those tenzos too until I found out that the highest offset available was a +42 which does'nt fit very well on our cars with suspension mods. If they made them in at least a +45 then they would be on my car right now. As for gettin laid, I'll never have to worry about that again because I'm married! haha
You know, If I had the loot to spare I would love to cop a set vintage mugen M7s http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/yhst-1408381693991_1899_13271831 or some Gold Volk GT-Us. I love those. I'll probably end up with some Kosei K3s http://www.tirerack.com/images/wheels/kosei/swap/kosei_k3_emygld_ci3_l.jpg or MB Motoring Weapons- http://www.discounttire.com/product/wheels/mbmwea.br.ang.jpg
hey, i don't know anything really about offset and how rims fit, but wouldn't you be able to roll the 42 offset tenzo r's with a spacer?