Ive always waxed my CF hood to make it shine nicely but I heard that it is bad for it. I wasnt sure if this was true or not because I have never had a problem with it. Anyone?
Wax = Good. Trust me. Thats how my carbon still looks brand new. Didnt know you were here on this forum. Welcome. Remeber doing this for me?
Ah! How could I forget. I still have the originals of your car saved on my computer cause I thought they were hot!
Some guy at my work had a CF hood for about 3 years and it looks like shit now cuz he never waxed it. It all faded and bascially ruined.
waxing is crucial to keeping your hood in good shape. NEVER use quik detailer on it, that will ruin it in about 3 days. i did on my first one, and learned the hard way :banghead:
CF is clearcoated, just like the paint on your car is. Wax=ok. I never heard about not using quick detailer on it, but that is good to know.
What do you mean by quick detailer? We use a wax at work that we get on there and then take it right off. Is that what you mean?
I heard also that wax creates the yellow haze that carbon gets and causes the clear to delaminate.When I had my EK my VIS $700 hood was ruined by what I think was wax and it wasn;t the store bought stuff I only use products from pro detail suppliers IE" stoner,car brite etc. .It began to delaminate along the edges and just plain fall off all over the place when I washed it.I detailed cars professi0nally for 8 years so I think I know what I was doing but I will never buy CF again.
I think it also depends on the brand , quality, and miscellaneous factors as to how it stays safe or goes to hell!
Nooo, dont put that shit on your hood please! It might look like its better for a few weeks but that shit gets baked in and will ruin your clear coat later. :slap: Maybe on rims id do it, but not on my hood.