Hi I am new to this site and I just bought a 99 civic. I was wondering what engine swap would be good for the car. I am being told that I should go with the B16 si motor because it is a strong engine. But a really good freinf of mine said I should go with the B18 gsr motor. If anyone can give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to JDMChat.com Welcome to JDMChat.com Engine Choice for a 99 Civic is Really Up to your Budget or How Much your Looking to Spend... If I had a 99 Civic I would Go for a K20 or a LS Turbo... :googly: Both a Good Engines to can Reveal Insane Amounts of HorsePower...hsnap: But the question Is How Much Are you Willing to Spend for a Swap and What are your Plans of Use for your Civic (Street, Drag, Touge, Track)???
the B16A2 from the USDM 99-00 Si is a good choice if you can find one for a decent price. it should be a lot easier for it to pass inspections here in the U.S. you could also go with the LS/Vtec swap...or even a B20 with a Vtec head swap. there are plenty of good choices out there. if you have a big budget to work with, the K series engine is definitely the way to go, as CLUTCH suggested. the newer K series now has a lot of aftermarket support and potential. good luck in your choice.
if you look around hard enough, you might be able to find a VTEC head and a B18B block for less money than a B16. It's all about budget, best of luck!
I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my post I still haven't decided but the k20a does look appealing. What type of things will I need for the swap?????? How much does it usually cost for a k20 swap? Clutch can you help me with this???:help:
K20s are pricey, but HASPORT does make mount kits for EJ8 Civics. If all you want is a K20 try to track down the 160hp versions from the EP Civic Si, or base RSX but if you had deep pockets go for the K20 out of the RSX Type-S. Price range? $4000-6000 plus installation hsnap:
would it be cheaper for me just to build the engine from the ground up??? I mean cause if I go out and buy a k20 from somewhere i am going to want to change the cams, pistions, have it cleaned and bored. right???????????
i wouldnt recommend a k swap unless you know what your doing. A gsr swap would probably meet your needs, or you could even turbo your stock motor and be faster than a stock gsr or b16
yo mike, i was thinking about just boosting my d16y8 but my problem with that is the engine has a 165,000 miles on it and i don't know a good rebuileing shop where i live. I have been told by a few people that I have been asking questions and everyone is hyping up the b18c and telling me to go all motor. I'll have alot of problems with boost. What do you say??? also looking to buy parts if n e 1 has any 99 civic coupe!:lightsabre:
have you considered a jdm b16a or jdm ITR swap? but what to do wan N/A or FI? but k's are a place too start if i didnt have a budget that's what i would go with,but it is youre car, But good luck with it though.
get a compression test done on it, it really dosent matter how many miles are on tha motor just how the internal's are holding up. start the car take youre dipstick out and see if it whistle's and take the oil cap off and see if it bubbles and if not then it should be okay(sofar) but after that go get a compression test at any autoshop or you can get one at autozone or etc..for like 30-40buck's. i wanted to boost my Y8 but it is an auto, the edlebrok kit #1500 can give you out of box . 176whp and 147wtq. that's not bad and you can run that on stock internal's with 7-8psi. just do you're re-search befor you make you're final choice. but im going with a b16a2 (sir) swap for my auto. my buddy has his y8 turbo'd with 10psi and it's pretty fast keep's up with mustang gt's etc.. but right now youre Y8 is more than likely pushing about 85-90whp if youre gonna keep it i would go get new seals and etc. then boost it. but it's youre car man,good luck.:woot:
if I was you I would go with the B16 becase its the easiest and cheapest way to go, until you come across some future plans.
RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH and money those are the biggest things call all kinds of people and places and find out prices, info,tips ,tricks and all the possible options swapping a motor is a big thing and can cost u a lot of money spend your money wisely and make the right decision for how u r driving the car and your circumstances
if you do boost the Y8 just remember that the rod's in those motor's suck. and they are known for breaking down with over 200hp = 187whp. so if you do that, I would HIGHLY recomend that you build up the motor and change out the rod's,cam's cam shaft,retainer's,valvespring's,crank and P&P.. etc.., but the good thing about the piston's are that they are the same size as a tt supra's or something like that. but good luckhsnap:
thanks alot for all the help guys. I have decided to go ls vtech. i have been researching and researching and this is a pretty in expensive way for me to get some real power. if you have any input on what parts i should buy for this setup let me knowhsnap: :woot:
AND REMBER!! it's Vtec....cuz this Vtech is a phone or lil'kids toy's..hahaha anyway..just make sure that you get it built right, so you go vroom and not BOOM.hsnap: cuz the main reason why they dont last is because they dont get built right. but good luck and let me know how it is going. Holla..lol
yeah i got a guy here in orlando that has a ls vtec and he said he could build it for me pretty cheap as long as i got all the parts. there are some good threads on honda-swap about building a reliable ls vtec that i am looking at. sircivic97 what would be my best bet for pistions and rods if i want to run boost on my ls vtec????:computerrage: :help:
not too sure about the pistons you might could do gsr or b16 pistons but as for the rods i would use Eagle Hbeam b-series rods tho. bur check this thread out http://www.honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=2137501 just make sure you do all youre research befor doing this. because it will cost you more than $1500 to have this a reliable motor. i still stay just go with a gsr or SiR but.. they are a very hard motor to "manage" aka. keepr running from what ive seen but good luck