Why do people half-ass a mechanical project?

Discussion in 'General Car Discussions' started by imm0rt41, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. imm0rt41

    imm0rt41 New Member

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    Jun 29, 2006
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    Seriously, I want to know what goes through the minds of those who constantly do a half-assed job when working on cars.

    I recently bought another Del Sol with a Y7/Y8 minime swap in it. Now I was looking for a shell to build off of, but the thought of having a motor in there was too good to pass up. The car is perfect for what I want to do with it, but the motor was icing on the cake so I could drive it a bit until I get a real swap for it.

    I got the car and got it over to a friend's house where I found the headgasket was blown (he had filled the fluids so when I checked them they were fine upon inspection). I was like "well shit, ok I can fix this" and went to work on it. Turns out one of the head studs was stripped which caused the gasket to blow god knows how long before I got this mess. Long story short we got it running again and it was still boggy as hell. Turns out it needed new plugs and wires which were going to be replaced anyway but once those were put in it was leaking coolant from the thermostat housing (gasket leak) and oil from the area of the AC condenser. Turns out whoever built the motor was so intent on finishing the job that they wedged some random bolt in between the condenser bracket and the block causing the oil leak. Probably from bending the oilpan, or heaven forbid cracking the block. Finally, the throwout bearing and passenger axle seals are bad as well. So now I sit with my hands tied while my friend drives it over to HonaMotive in Phoenix to get estimates on the labor if I give them the parts. I'm hoping they will cut me a deal and keep it under $500 (incidentally the price of a D15B) so I don't have to swap before CRXpo on the 29th of July.

    Anywho, just needed to vent. People do some stupid shit to cars and I am completely shocked at how half-assed this minime swap really was. I never even mentioned the wiring much, but to sum it up a retarded circus monkey with no hands probably could have wired it up cleaner than that. Gah, the things people do. Oh well, I will enjoy the satisfaction of fixing this project and then laughing at the original builders since I did a job they couldn't do the first time around.
  2. Thrule01

    Thrule01 New Member

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    i couldnt agree with you more....my friend has a del sol...the ppl before him installed a stage 2 racing clutch themselves...they didnt do it completely right so eventually it started to grind and does it now in every gear.....some ppl are just to damn ingnorant to just save their money or have it done correctly by a professional (or atleast someone that knows WTF he/she is doing)....anyways....

    yeah i hate stupid ppl...case and point

  3. Nachtmensch

    Nachtmensch New Member

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    thats why i do all my own work on my own cars. the cars i buy are stock too :)
  4. imm0rt41

    imm0rt41 New Member

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    Jun 29, 2006
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    Yeah, I am a fan of the DIY technique for working on your ride, since that is the only way you will really learn to appreciate it. But there comes a time when you need to step back and let a professional take over. Obviously some people don't know this and now I am mad rushing to get this ride ready for CRXpo. The interior will be neglected as hell (possibly not even in there) but it will still be worth it.

    I guess in the end all the hassles, heartache, and ramen noodles are worth it though :thumbup:

    CLUTCHONE Active Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
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    Pros Make Mistakes too...

    Im Sorry to hear about your Experance But I Bet you Dont wanna Hear about My Luck with My H22/H23 and the Motor was in the Hands Of Pros (ASE) and They Still Fucked It Up trying to Fully Build It~ :(

    So Regardless Of who You take It too You can Never Trust Anyones Work But Your OWN... :rocks:

    Its a Good thing Pros Warrent there Work Though~ :spitdrink:
  6. imm0rt41

    imm0rt41 New Member

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    Jun 29, 2006
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    I trust the guys it is getting taken to moreso than myself at this point, since Frank has over 20 years experience in the Honda game. Talk about old school, this guy was building shit before most of us were born! I realized I was probably getting in over my head with the job and that it would be more beneficial to take it to a pro to do the work. I have the ability to follow instructions really well, but I was at the point where even with the best tutorials I could find I was making no headway. That's when you gotta suck it up and let someone else help you out. My goal is to have this car to CRXpo on the 29th come hell, high water, or a JDM D15B put in the week beforehand. Would love to keep this mini-me though since it is strong as hell. Even with a blown headgasket the difference between my friend's SOHC VTEC ZC and this was like night and day. It is a beast, I gotta say and if I have to mill the head, well there's a few more tenths added to the good ol' compression ratio :p

    Oh well, here's to doing it yourself, doing it right, and getting help when you need it :cheers:
  7. 2000CivicHatch

    2000CivicHatch New Member

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    Jun 26, 2006
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    That sucks man, good luck with it though! I know you'll be super satisfied with YOUR work!
  8. g3teg97

    g3teg97 New Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
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    This is the best thing you can do. :rocks:
  9. Shaggy

    Shaggy New Member

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    May 14, 2006
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    Sorry to hear about your frustrations. it will wll work out in the end though. As for the ASE certified people, those tests doesnt make you any better of a technician. i know people that can pass the ase but put a wheel bearing nut on with an impact-gun. <true story Ford Explorer. best of luck getting ready for the CRXpo.
  10. Jdmfever

    Jdmfever New Member

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    I only trust 3 people to work on my car.

    People who half ass work are people who dont care about what they are doing.

    It seems like the scene is filling up with more ad more people like that.

    The innovaters and true tuners like JDM John and Questtoys Randy, though they are gone should be inspirations to all for the devotion they had and work they did.


    May You never be forgotten.:rocks:
  11. imm0rt41

    imm0rt41 New Member

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    Jun 29, 2006
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    Yeah, the scene is really filling up with kids who want ebay crap and to be 2F2F YO. It's kind of sad really. I've been in love with Hondas my whole life, hell my first hot wheels car was a Barbados Yellow CRX in favor of some muscle car but to see kids messing up their rides by half-assing shit is just heartbreaking.

    By the way, these guys were running the car with no clutch dust cover. Rock + flywheel = fuckin owned :( Seriously, it's like people don't think anymore it's sad. All in all, I have to replace a right side wheel bearing and tie rod, brake master cylinder, coolant lines, valve cover gasket, and some other miscellaneous rubber pieces that have become sunrot :(

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