Yep, I'm a noob to this site. I own and run I would post pics of my car, but as of this last Monday it was smashed to hell by a drunk driver. Lovely, huh? Anyway, glad to be here. Looks like a nice place! -Bill
Welcome..i tried to sign on your site..and umm your conformation code doesnt work for example ill enter WE87EF and it appears that way it will say incorrect code..
Thanks for the welcomes guys!! About the site: I think it may be case sensitive. Also, try refreshing the page if it does that. I think you should PM me if you have anymore problems though. Thanks.
Well, I got my insurance check. They basically ignored all my performance parts. ITR LCAs and Si engine swaps mean nothing to All State... lol. I was told going into this that they are stingy bastards and now I can personally verify that. All State will stick it up yer arse if they can, so gentlemen, hope to hell you don't get hit by an All State driver - drunk or not. All in all it was a stupid move by them to treat me so badly because I still have an unpaid medical claim. I initially was just going to work with them to get the hospital bills paid and move on, but the way I've been treated (I won't get into it) has really upset me and motivated me to contact a lawyer who is now handling my case. In return for saving themselves a little money by not paying me a realistic value on my totalled car, they will now be paying thousands more than they would have in medical claims. pwnt. At any rate, I managed to locate another hatch that was for sale within a couple of hours drive from my location. It had everything but a motor and trans, so I bought my salvage back from the ins. company and made the swap. I can post some pics later as right now photobucket is down for maintenance. Later, -Bill